Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act: A virtual training programme for local authority regulators

Price: £60 members and £90 non-membersLocation: MS Teams virtual courseDate: 27th January 2023Time: 10:00 am — 1:00 pm


This training will focus upon the current Code governing directed surveillance and its application specifically in relation to local authority investigations, together with some ancillary consideration of the CCTV Code and DPA implications. Consideration will be given as to which areas of local authority operations might involve RIPA considerations and the core requirements.

Issues will be covered such as identification of surveillance, understanding the notion of expectations of privacy, collateral intrusion, investigations by way of the internet, internal audit, vehicle tracking and noise monitoring. The training will also consider the processes to be applied when seeking authorisation.

The training will include some RIPA case examples, and consideration of the implications where information has been obtained in breach.

This is a 3 hour course, with 2 hours tuition followed by up to an hour of questions

Booking Form

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    !!! If you do not receive a confirmatory email or you have problems completing the booking form please contact Kath Lewis
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