Alehm annual subscriptions for 2020

We propose to increase subscription rates  slightly this year. Two thirds of our member authorities are now choosing to take advantage of the discounted 3 year subscription rate which for 2020-21 it is proposed to be £3900 . For those that prefer to pay annually, the rate is to be £1500. These rates will be put to the membership at the AGM.

We will   be sending reminders to local authorities in the New Year. If you wish to pay before the end of March, please let us have PO numbers by the end of February, so we can send out invoices in time for payment by the end of March.

All London local authorities remain members of Alehm and gives us the opportunity to act as the voice of environmental health in London. The benefits of membership are outlined on our web site, but if further information is required to present a business case to remain a member, please contact Janine by emailing


Annual Subscriptions 2020
1 year cost is £1500 per local authority
3 year’s discounted cost per local authority is £3900


Reasons for maintaining Alehm membership 2018