Empty Homes Enforcement

Price: £70.00 members 90.00 non members (must be employed by a LA PSH Team)Location: via Microsoft TeamsDate: 2nd September 2024Time: 9:30 am — 12:30 pm


Trainer: Paul Oatt, experienced EHO Practitioner and  Housing professional


Course content:


Interim and final Empty Dwelling Management Orders

Other types of enforcement

The Levelling Up and Regeneration Act 2023

The Anti-Social Behaviour Action Plan 2023 (the Empty Homes part)

The current scale of the problem

Why we need to address empty homes


Compulsory Purchase and enforced sales


Booking Form

    !!! Please note that you should receive an email confirming your booking. However this may be blocked by local firewalls.
    !!! If you do not receive a confirmatory email or you have problems completing the booking form please contact Kath Lewis
    by emailing admin@alehm.org.uk